This is Just CRAZY

From the Associated Press:
During Friday's interview in Sydney with ABC News, Cheney said, "I'm not sure what part of it is that Nancy disagreed with. She accused me of questioning her patriotism. I didn't question her patriotism. I questioned her judgment."This in response to her perfectly reasonable challenge to Cheney's position that her position on Iraq is helping al Quaida. Let's set aside, for now, this game of "Who's Helping Osama", they've been throwing this ludicrous nonsense around now for six years. No, I'm taking very serious exception to the theory that Dick Cheney, the man that has been wrong about EVERY GODDAM THING from WMDs to "Greeted as Liberators" to the insurgency "in it's last throes" to the British pullout being a good sign, can still stand up and question anybody's judgement.
How many passes do these people get? At what point are we going to be able to tell them, "Look, just shut up, you have contributed nothing of value to the discussion since you took your oath of office".
What do you suppose Cheney thinks his job actually is? Because all I ever see him doing, when he's not in some "undisclosed location" is starting international dustups. He rattles sabers at North Korea, Iran, Syria, China, Russia, he started a war with Iraq almost on his own. Do you suppose he feels any responsibility to do anything positive or constructive other than assisting his old friends at Haliburton get richer from war profiteering?
If your head hasn't exploded from the cognitive dissonance and unintended irony in the administration's statements, I offer you this, from the same interview:
"You also have to be accountable for the results. What are the consequences of that? What happens if we withdraw from Iraq?," he said.Yes. This is Dick Cheney taking the position that some nebulous "you" have to be accountable for results. Who do you suppose he's refering to? Because he's done nothing but direct failed policies, disaterous military adventures and domestic and international failures of the first order. Yet he has not been accountable to anyone, from the American People to the Administration he has served so poorly to the international community who have to live with the consequeces of his madness.
That's what really bums me out about Cheney. The knowing that he won't be held accountable and he won't have to suffer any of the consequences of the disasters he has wrought. He represents a special kind of danger to this country, a distillation of malevolence, power and wealth with not a trace of altruism or conscience.
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